Friday, July 9, 2010

RTS Portfolio Updated as of Close of Friday 7/9/2010

SGS is Short (SGS went short as of close of Friday 5/14/2010).

RTS Current Portfolio Return =7.6% (5/17/2010 to Present)
vs. SPX = (5.2%)
RTS Total Return =64.9% (11/07/2007 to Present)
vs. SPX = (28.9%)
RTS Ave. Annual Return = 24.3% (11/07/2007 to Present)
vs. SPX = (10.8%)

Current RTS 20100517 Short Portfolio is shown below:   
Disclaimer: The views expressed are provided for information purposes only and should not be construed in any way as investment advice.  Furthermore, the opinions expressed may change without notice.

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